Beef Ramen Noodle Soup

Perhaps you think that creating your own recipes and using a recipe search engine do not go together but you might find a recipe search helpful if you want to make recipes up. Most ingredients which taste good together are already combined in other recipes. Or better yet, you can always completely copy the KFC original or spicy chicken recipe down to the last juicy bite. Salaam, what we do…kinda the esfahani way is like fry an onion, until golden, fry the chicken leggs just a little, then add enough water to just cover.

Banana leaf can be substitute with aluminum foil, but the tofu parcel won’t get the same aroma (though it will still taste very good). Rather than create a new spice blend and rub it over a whole chicken, why not make a new spicy sauce and cook the chicken separately.

It is the recipe we use …

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