Delicious Fudgey Brownies Electric Pressure Cooker Recipe

The following recipe is for the best chocolate cake I have ever tasted, and I’m a pretty huge fan of chocolate cake. I don’t recommend making this cake and Food52 should seriously consider taking the recipe down, many others have apparently had similar results. If your frosting is a little too stiff, add 1 to 2 tablespoons non-dairy milk to soften it up until desired frosting texture is reached.

Sonia, I did my CNY pineapple tarts using your recipe and all my relatives and colleagues love it to the max! Bake 22 to 25 minutes or until toothpick inserted in center of cake comes out clean. The chocolate cakes featured here were shared with us by members of the feedfeed community who added #feedfeed to images of chocolate cakes they made.

Spread half of the ganache icing on the top of the jam on one of the cakes, then lay …

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