Broiled Salmon With Thai Sweet Chili Glaze

Distinctive and delicious, salmon has long been ubiquitous on the majority of menus, not to mention a staple in cuisines around the world. And that’s saying something because my father is a life-long lover and restaurant order-er of salmon. Which one to choose depends not just on the salmon but also on the other components of the dish, including vegetables served alongside. The main types of salmon you’ll see at the store are sockeye, Coho and king, and the color can vary from light peach-colored to very dark pink.

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One reason salmon is so loved, is that its …

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Soy Broiled Salmon Recipe

When purchasing frozen salmon fillets or steaks, make sure they are well wrapped and solidly frozen, with no odor. Start with the salmon in an oven-proof skillet — this time skin-side down; sizzle it for about 3 minutes in olive oil or butter; then transfer it to a lowish-heat oven, about 275 degrees F, and cook for about 20 minutes; then it’s back to the stovetop for the final crisping!

Not only is it packed full of protein and good-for-you Omega-3, salmon makes a really great speedy midweek supper or lunch; our seared salmon with spinch and stir-fried noodles is the perfect example, as it takes no time at all to make, as does our salmon and dill linguine.salmon recipesalmon recipe

In Japan, we do not have bottled teriyaki sauce” like the ones you can find in grocery stores here in the U.S. We always make teriyaki sauce for each recipe at home, and every …

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