If you decide to take out a personal loan, be sure to shop around and consider as many lenders as possible to find the right loan for you. Credible makes this easy — you can compare prequalified rates from all of our partner lenders in the table below in just a few minutes. The reason a mortgage is one of the cheapest ways to borrow money is that your home secures the loan. If you overextend yourself with a cash-out refi and can’t keep up with the new payments, you risk losing your home.

  • Home equity loans are similar to personal loans in that you receive a lump sum of cash with a fixed interest rate and fixed monthly payment.
  • You can use it to pay for major expenses, including education, medical bills, and home repairs.
  • Chalk paint is the best for this however if you want to use standard paint then consider using a primer first.
  • Just make sure the style and shape of your extension fits in with the rest of your house.

Here’s how to know what home improvements can pay off at tax time. Although these jobs may seem less impressive than large-scale renovations, don’t underestimate how much the visual appeal of your home can affect its value. The color you choose to paint a room can have a major impact on how much your home sells for, as a recent Zillow report shows. One of the best home improvement ideas that won’t break your wallet or take up too much of your time, is by picking out an accent wall for your home. While fully white or taupe walls still have a classic look, adding in a small pop of color can transform your home into a modern, chic sanctuary.

Many adults are working at home, and children are being schooled at home. Architecture professors at the University of Miami delve into why more people have modified their homes within the past year. If you have a tub and shower combo that’s looking a little dull, you can reglaze them instead of a full replacement. Reglazing tile will make it look like new and change the feel of the room. Buyers want to be able to imagine how their own decorations and furniture fit into a new space.

Switching mortgages can save you money and help reduce the impact of a bigger mortgage. However, no-one can deny that some TV shows about fixing homes or giving houses well-deserved makeovers are hilarious, unrealistic, and don’t make much sense. The Canadian comedy video production house LoadingReadyRun pokes fun at nonsensical home fixing TV shows in a short but hilarious video. Scroll down for Bored Panda’s interview with Graham Stark of LoadingReadyRun about people’s fascination with home renovation shows, as well as reality TV. In the United States, garden landscaping was the most frequently undertaken home improvement project in 2020. Meanwhile, European homeowners seemed to have different priorities regarding their house upkeep.

Understandably, she strives to control as many aspects of the project as possible. “If you want something done right, you do it yourself,” she remarks, after a set of kitchen cabinets turns out too short due to a measuring error on the part of a contractor. When she sources vintage pieces at a furniture restorer’s workshop, the exchange largely consists of her telling the craftsman what she wants. Workers only fleetingly appear in the usual construction montages. This overlooking of tradespeople is certainly not unique to Victoria’s show—it’s only the latest manifestation of a pattern that has come to define home-renovation TV as a whole.

Add a Sunroom

If you can’t afford an extension or conversion, it might be worth obtaining planning permission to do so at a later date. In some areas of the country, the ability to park close to your front door comes at a huge premium and therefore, if you have the room to add off-street parking, you are sure to increase value. These women have taken D.I.Y. and home repair by storm and are rated by our Home Matters professionals as the top 5 favorite female home improvement bloggers.

Lisa Marie Conklin is a Baltimore-based writer who writes regularly about pets and home improvement for Reader’s Digest. Her work has also been published in The Healthy, HealthiNation, The Family Handyman, Taste of Home, and, among other outlets. She’s also a certified personal trainer and walking coach for a local senior center.

If the carpet in your living room is looking worn, remove it and install some hardwood flooring. Quality hardwood flooring can cost anywhere from $3 to $8 per square foot and you can save some money House & Home Improvement by installing it yourself. If the carpet is still good, give it a good DIY carpet cleaning. But one of his favorite hobbies is rebuilding classic cars, something he does in the garage of the house.