Our favorite diabetic cake recipes are sure to please your sweet tooth and your blood sugar. The addition of fresh peaches and dried cranberries ups the health value of a typical sugar-free cake mix, while a crunchy cinnamon-and-walnut streusel topping makes this fruity coffee cake even more mouthwatering. Part of that goes to this site helping with ideas of mostly healthy wonderful and delicious recipes.

Once you have mastered the art of the classic sponge cake you can then move on to all the variations and never look best bit is that from now on you are going to know just how easy it is. It was the first cake he ever made (not even a box mix before), so I had to help explain a few directions to him, but it turned out INCREDIBLE!!!!!cake recipes

Planning to bake cake and cream cheese frosting the day before consumption and having trouble storing in fridge as I need to get a box that would fit. Yes, we know it’s a little unusual but trust us… You can either play it safe or try something totally new, but whatever your preference, all our cake recipes are easy to make and won’t keep you in the kitchen too long.cake recipes

From show-stoppers to simple loaf cakes, we’ve got them all, so take your pick depending on the occasion and make a delicious cake that will impress everyone. This is a traditional Passover dish typically made with eggs and matzoh, but their vegan version uses silken tofu in place of eggs.

Heat the oven to 180°C (gas mark 4). Lightly grease an 18cm (7in) round cake tin with a little extra butter or margarine and cut a piece of greaseproof paper or non-stick baking parchment to fit the base of the tin. Just when you think carrot cake can’t get any better, this creative recipe comes along.cake recipes