This is a beautiful compilation of the most loved chiffon cake recipes on this blog plus much more! If there is one thing I know (my name is Grandbaby Cakes” after all), it is good cakes, and especially Pound Cake Recipes! But it is perfectly acceptable to leave the cake un-iced: in fact, it tastes gorgeous plain. Once the cake batter is in the tin, tap the sides of the tin to eliminate air bubbles.cake recipes

While most cakes are reserved for an occasion, we found 50 cakes that should be baked and eaten any time – preferably, all the time, because life is too short to not eat cake. So that observation was def spot on. It was also the best chocolate cake any of us have ever had, and we’ve had a lot of chocolate cake (including gourmet cakes!) so that is saying a lot.

Now add the boiled chickpeas and salt, mix everything, cook for 2 minutes under low flame and switch off. I was always thinking of making the most delicious chocolate cake after happened to eat one and I tried out your recipe original except for the powdered sugar for frosting which I added only 3 cups.

To assemble the cake, run a round-bladed knife around the inside of the cake tins to loosen the cakes. While some traditional pineapple upside-down cake recipes have a whopping 60-plus carbs and almost 400 calories per serving, our diabetes-friendly recipe has just 28 grams of carb and less than 200 calories per serving.

I don’t typically write reviews, however this cake made thanksgiving dinner a hit. Coming on to this recipe, there was a scrambled eggs recipe in the breakfast section where she had added pureed cauliflower into the eggs. My husband’s aunt makes a Texas sheet cake for the 4th of July that’s to die for, but I was thinking the other day that I really can’t wait that long to have it again!