Post your recipe and get notifications when other cooks review and add photos to it. Cut the Wheat, Ditch the Sugar is a low carb, keto recipe blog filled with savory and sweet recipes that flat-out make low carb cooking easy peasy light and breezy. Has stolen your full recipe for these chicken and dumplings, verbatim, without any attribution.Hopefully we can spread the word so this site starts removing our written instructions and linking our recipes back to us.

Cook and refrigerate or freeze any left over burgers for a quick and easy snack. Summertime soup recipes featured in this collection include Shaun Rankin’s delightful chilled watercress soup with dressed Asian pear and garden peas, and a gazpacho from Tom Aikens.

It tastes like a classic French onion soup but is really quite easily prepared. My husband and son both will be very pleased w/ the recipes you have listed and I love the fact that we call all really have the same meal together. Now that you have that AMAZING broth, you can make chicken noodle soup in MINUTES.

I made two batches of dough last night and this morning i baked some beef curry hand pies and cookies with strawberry jam and I have to say… THEY WERE FREAKIN’ SUPERB! With those ideas in the back of your head, the ensuing discussion should be easy. Chili doesn’t have to be off-limits on a diabetic diet – this chili recipe uses lean ground turkey, no-salt-added canned tomatoes, and reduced-sodium broth as healthful (and tasty) ingredients.

We’ll only contact you around once per week with the best recipes and features. Duh and duh – but for noobs like me, those things didn’t come easy 🙂 also, get as much air out of the bag as possible, and once everything is in the bag, squish it around with your hands so the contents are distributed evenly.