From vegetable to crustless, bacon to Lorraine, low-fat to salmon, we’ve got loads of easy and tasty quiche recipes for you to try. Remove the chilled crust from the freezer and pour the filling to about 1/4 of an inch below the top of the crust, as it will puff up slightly when baking. I usually can’t be bothered to make my own quiche crusts but the adulation this one garnered was enough to make me feel much better about it.

Brush lightly with wine and sprinkle the top of each crust with the sugar and spice mixture. Keller recommends that you use 1 pound of oyster mushrooms and 1 pound of white button mushrooms for this recipe. Even better, it’s incredibly easy to make, containing only five ingredients – quark, eggs, red peppers, spinach and feta cheese.

I also know how to save on some of that food, including the few dollars I saved on this delicious plate of Tex-Mex Cheesy Beef Quiche. I just blanched the broccoli before adding in. I will keep this in my recipe box and serve for any brunch, it is sure to impress!

This takes just a few minutes, and the cheesecloth can be thrown away after the spinach is added to the bowl or mixture (no cleanup of appliances needed). She made this quiche yesterday for Christmas (Christmas morning quiche is our tradition!). You can also just fold all that extra crust forward over your filling (if you’re using something solid like fruit) and you have a lovely pie/galette hybrid without wasting any of that lovely crust.

Normally I don’t comment on comments”, but this recipe is so good I thought I needed to write. Now, by clicking ‘Save this recipe’ or ‘I cooked this’ on any of our recipes, they’ll be saved and grouped into your personal online recipe book. And since the recipe uses frozen spinach instead of fresh, there’s no need to wilt the spinach before using – just thaw, squeeze and go!