If you’re anything like me you use your crockpot at least once a week during the winter. I kind of fell into it. I wasn’t looking for anything else to do. Managing a raw pet food store was more than a full time job. Her parmesan-crusted pork chop recipe calls for parmesan plus Italian breadcrumbs, ensuring a crispy and flavor-loaded exterior as they crisp up in an oiled pan.

As for printer-friendly…may take some work…I create a new file in Word for each of my recipes anyway (saving them in C / RECIPES ). Then I right-click on the pic of the cake and save as.. there as well. Pork chops are lean and delicious, and a great alternative to chicken for a midweek supper.pork chop recipes

Fry the pork chops undisturbed until they are golden brown on one side and have gone from pink to beige about halfway up the sides. I started eating low-carb after my type II diabetic father had great success with it, not only stabilizing his blood sugar, but getting to a healthy weight.

Lightly spray a little more oil on top of the pork and bake in the oven for 20 minutes. There are a few things you have to do to prepare the pork chops but I promise that this adds so much flavor! The brining time for these pork chops can be short or long, so they can be prepared early and grilled shortly before the meal is served.

Remove from oven and let pork chops rest on a plate for about 5 minutes before eating. I’m sure you’ve all had a pork chop at some point that was like eating damp cardboard: dry, mealy and flavorless. Join our newsletter for free recipes, healthy living inspiration, and special offers.