Lemon Turmeric Salmon – A Recipe from Chef Uri Jeremias of Uri Buri Restaurant in Acre, Israel. Preheat oven to 200 F. In a large mixing bowl, combine all dry ingredients for the crust. Since they’re made with canned salmon, they’re easy to whip up in a matter of minutes—Gina, the talented blogger behind this recipe, claims just 15. This fast and easy grilled salmon recipe puts a rich brown caramelized coating on the fish as the light sprinkling of brown sugar roasts on the grill.

This collection of salmon recipes contains some great inspiration to reinvent the fish you thought you knew so well. Using a brine is a great way to ensure your fillets of salmon are still moist and flavorful after smoking. Plank cooking is one of the best methods for grilling fish and this recipe is the classic version.salmon recipesalmon recipe

The honey and garlic don’t overpower the salmon at all and the buttery sauce went perfect over rice. Set the plank on the grill, cover and cook until the salmon just flakes with a fork, 20 to 25 minutes. Return the pancetta to the pan to warm through, then serve the fish and pancetta on top of the board of mash.

Perfectly cooked salmon is delicious on its own, but the right sauce will add a new dimension and turn a weeknight dish into dinner party fare. Cook salmon for 6 to 8 minutes per side, or until the fish flakes easily with a fork. Once bagged, seal the bag let the salmon rest in the refrigerator for at least 30 minutes and up to overnight for the salt to firm up the flesh.

Pull the sides and ends of the aluminum foil up and pinch together, covering the salmon completely. In celebration of this wonderful season and its endless bounties, I’m offering all of my recipe books at very special prices! I guess that since many thousands of salmon come through that area to the ocean it makes it more difficult to fight their release.