Whether you’re making a full vegan meal or are looking for vegan options to serve, these rich and flavorful vegan recipes (from soup to dessert) are great ideas for any holiday table. Most of our food trucks in Memphis are mobile and appear at festivals, office parks, or other areas at peak times, like lunch or dinner. Our sweet little Easter brunch was no exception – we talked and laughed and remembered and looked at pictures from our Texas trip and it was all very sweet.vegan recipes

Paste a link to a recipe, or download our browser tools to make it easier to save recipes from other websites. It’s the most popular recipe on Laura-Jane’s blog , probably because it’s so quick, decadent, and nutritious. I made mine in the slow cooker overnight, and I left out the vegan shortening called for in the recipe to make these a little lower in fat.

After a Dottie’s Donuts breakfast , the lunch stop on our vegan Philly food tour was, of course, Blackbird Pizzeria Before you judge, let me say the following: don’t. And i am not one to plagiarize, so let me give you the sources for these recipes. Silk’s plant-based beverages and yogurt alternatives are extremely versatile in the kitchen and can be used to create delicious meat- and dairy-free versions of your go-to tailgating recipes like my Baked Buffalo Cauliflower Bites.

Whether you’ve been a vegan for years or just want to try something new, these recipes should be kept right at your fingertips. We climbed high up the hill to partake of a fantastic lunch at the Valley View Tea Rooms, which turned out to be someone’s house completely thrown open to the public and bursting at the seams with happy diners.

I also got myself two kolaches for the flight home – savory one filled with white beans and sage that was quite magical, and a sweet blackberry one. Also added the bloobs, fresh mango, and locally made Guilt-free Pastries Vegan Granola. She suggested dinner together at The Beer Plant – a 100{45d44c7638c99d836c8a8cf1f9391ee9c1971410f5e14b7cf4fa6b38b3db838e} vegan restaurant and beer spot that is pretty new to Austin (new since the last time I was there).