Make red, white and blue fruit desserts from Food Network the stars of your Memorial Day celebration. It’s hard when trying to translate recipes into recipes for other countries since the ingredients are different. The only redeeming aspect of summer, in my pastry oriented point of view is the endless stream of juicy sweet berries and stone fruits. Upgrade this classic ice cream truck treat with Chuck’s from-scratch recipe — homemade banana-mascarpone ice cream encased in chocolate cookie halves.dessert recipes

Please enter your first name, this will be used as your display name for reviewing recipes and leaving comments. Instead of a cream cheese icing, Chuck Hughes tops his red velvet cupcakes with a sweet mixture of marscapone and whipped cream, which is rich and tangy but a lot lighter.

I have tried your pastry recipe, it is really very very good, and so easy to handle the dough, a definite recipe keeper, thank you so much for sharing this recipe as i love it so much. Subscribe to BBC Good Food magazine and get triple-tested recipes delivered to your door, every month.

Cendol is a Penang favourite, a mountain of shaved ice heaped over green pea flour jelly noodles, sweetened red beans and lashings of caramelly gula melaka palm sugar syrup. I made this with homemade whipped cream(my 5 year olds new favorite thing to make because it’s easy and yummy).

Take 1 slice of the bread and spread some butter on one side and place this side directly on the pan. Chips ‘n’ dip becomes a dessert when cinnamon-dusted tortilla chips are topped with a unique, sweet stone fruit salsa. Hedy’s ingenious peanut butter pie pops layer the creamy pie base with a graham cracker-pretzel crust crumble and chocolate toffee pieces on Popsicle sticks.