From a no-bake chocolate cake to the easiest bake in the world, our pick of the best chocolate cake recipes is decadent and delicious! You may already be registered with delicious, Vogue, Buro 24/7, GQ, Homelife or Best Recipes before. Sign up to our newsletter now and we’ll send you a hand-picked round-up of the best seasonal recipes and features from the best chefs each week. I’d made vegan matzoh brei before using Isa’s recipe in Vegan Brunch, but it was a savory version.

Raspberry inside and out, this pink velvet cake is the perfect springtime dessert recipe. But with one bite of this decadent, moist chocolate cake with chocolate frosting, every single person around the table commented that this was the best chocolate cake they’d ever tasted.

My cake is burnt… Be sure you baked your cake for the time prescribed up top. So if you are a faint of heart chocolate cake person, this is not the cake for you. For an alternative that’s less sweet and a time-saver, too, omit the icing and serve cake warmed with a pat of butter.cake recipes

Don’t go overboard with raising agents, they can cause your cake to droop and dip. Many centuries would pass from the baking of a cake on a hot stone to baking in a hot electric/gas oven. Don’t forget to double check your oven temperature as well, baking too long causes a cake to dry out since the heat sucks up all cake ingredients.cake recipes

It’s hard when trying to translate recipes into recipes for other countries since the ingredients are different. If you have ever seen the movie Matilda you will surely remember the scene where the boy is forced to eat the most delicious looking chocolate cake ever.