Chili’s Original Texas Red Chili Recipe (By Popular Demand)

Slow cooker chili recipes are one of the easiest ways to enjoy the benefits of spicy fresh food cooked using a variety of spices. Taste and season with brown sugar (we used 1 tbsp), kosher salt and black pepper. This chili comes just in time for these last few wintry days before spring arrives (at least here in the Pacific Northwest). Using a slow cooker chili recipe simply involves choosing a nice selection of base ingredients that can be used in most dishes; chili peppers, potatoes, carrots, courgettes, onions, garlic.chili recipe

I have been enjoying it on its own with some of the toppings above, but it would also be great served on any type of baked potato; with a cooked whole grain like brown rice, barley, or quinoa; or with tortilla chips on the side. I learnt this recipe long time ago on one of the regional cooking shows on …

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