Homemade ice cream can be a pretty intimidating affair—but the results can be so worth it. Dive into a double-trouble vegan ice cream from blog Bitter Sweet The recipe pairs the dynamite duo of brown sugar and soy sauce into an unlikely caramel rippling through malt-flavored ice cream, which churns up from a soymilk and soy creamer base in an ice-cream maker.

From Steak and Eggs Benedict to Mint Chocolate Chip Pancakes, and an impressive bacon-infused Bourbon cocktail somewhere in the middle, I found this book to be delightfully whimsical while offering impressive recipes made with accessible ingredients.ice cream recipes

Keeping an ice cream recipe simple is really not my style, and here, not being able to leave well-enough alone, I’ve added a French ginger liqueur and chopped crystallized ginger to mix things up a bit, making for a more, dare I say it, sophisticated dessert.

This silky, luscious and very classic custard can be used as the base for any ice cream flavor you can dream up. These particular proportions of milk and cream to egg yolk will give you a thick but not sticky ice cream that feels decadent but not heavy.

Check out our Ice Cream Essentials page for a comprehensive education in DIY frozen treats, or read on for 20 of our favorite recipes for rich dairy ice cream, 100{45d44c7638c99d836c8a8cf1f9391ee9c1971410f5e14b7cf4fa6b38b3db838e} vegan ice cream (made surprisingly creamy with coconut milk), and soft, full-bodied, Midwestern-style frozen custard.

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